What we do

The Tabala Suetto Foundation carries out a variety of activities focused on improving the quality of life of vulnerable communities. Through sports initiatives, entrepreneurship projects, housing improvement programs, family counseling, and training of community leaders, we promote comprehensive development, inclusion and empowerment. Our commitment is to create equal opportunities and a fair environment for all.

Sport clubs

During 2023 we will use sport as a strategy to train children and adolescents on vocational guidance and life project issues.

We were pioneers in forming a sports club with children in the KOGUI community, a community that is difficult to access because it is located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.



Women heads of households, victims of domestic violence, abandonment and abuse, are trained in business ideas and plans, and look for new life alternatives so that they can overcome extreme poverty, and provide for their children.


During 2023 we will work hard to contribute to improving the quality of life of the communities. We make donations from markets, food for the children, clothes in good condition, notebooks for the children, among others, Christmas campaigns

Housing Improvement

We support families in marginal communities affected by floods by donating materials to rebuild their homes. Likewise, we support families in poverty in the repair of their homes, responding to their immediate needs.

Family Counseling

During 2023 we will work hard to contribute to improving the quality of life of the communities. We make donations from markets, food for the children, clothes in good condition, notebooks for the children, among others, Christmas campaigns


We train leaders from different communities to reach children, young people and other community entities through games and sports, using field strategies Children’s games, festivals, community games among others; in which principles and values ​​are taught that strengthen coexistence,
inclusion and the good social environment of the communities.

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